3D Printing in Dentistry: The Biggest Advancement in Digital Dentistry of our Lifetime

3D printing has rapidly changed the way we are able to treat patients by lowering cost to manufacture definitive dental prosthetics. Everything from crowns, onlays, veneers, partial dentures , can be rapidly manufactured in the dental office. Learn how we are using this technology in our practice and applying evidence in the literature to develop new solutions for our patients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the background evidence in the literature to support 3D printed Prosthetics
  2. Learn best practices for Bonding
  3. Learn Digital smile design and 3D printed veneers
  4. Learn Digital Dentures
  5. Learn about 3D printed implant prosthetics

CE Units: 3

Wally Renee, DMD

Wally Renee, DMD

Dr. Renne left a career as Professor and Dean of Innovation and Digital Dentistry at a major university to start his own training center. The MOD institute was founded to help dentists advance their clincal practice through leveraging 3D printing and technology. He is proficient clinically with the Planmeca Emerald S , CEREC Primescan, 3Shape Trios 5, and tests multiple new scanners. Dr. Renne has a passion for 3D printing and currently focuses his clinical , teaching and research efforts on advancing dentistry forward through the power of 3D printing. He has over 30 different 3D printers and he works closly with many manufactures to test the latest developments in resin technology. He is active in dental research with over 50 publications and currently has several patents and national teaching awards for his efforts.